REALIZE YOUR INNER POTENTIAL through the path of spiritual service – King Yoga


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Available as an ebook from

Realize Your Inner Potential – Through the path of spiritual service – King Yoga

By Dr. George King with Richard Lawrence – Third edition

  • USD $12.95
  • GBP £9.99
  • Discover the lasting peace which can only come from realization
  • Use ancient yoga breathing to awaken the mystic force of kundalini
  • Open the door to concentration, contemplation and meditation
  • Develop your intuitive and psychic abilities
  • Enhance your healing powers for others and yourself
  • Learn the secrets of dynamic prayer and mantra yoga
  • Realize that service is the key to enlightenment in the New Age

“Eminently readable… Rather than concentrating solely on the sometimes difficult physical postures with which yoga is frequently associated, the book focuses on the mental exercises essential to the progression of the would be practitioner from neophyte to master.”

– Review from Phenomena Magazine, November 2016

Softback, 257 pages.

Highly recommended.

This book is also available as part of a special offer with the DVD.

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